Conservation actions to protect Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) in Northwest Tasmania

Dr Perviz Marker1

1Friends of Burnie Penguins, Burnie, Australia


Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) are found in colonies along the Northwest coast of Tasmania, generally along a narrow coastal fringe, urban in much of its extent. This study describes the conservation mechanisms that have been used for 20 plus years to protect these Little Penguin colonies, and how the ongoing actions of local community groups have enhanced the coastal breeding habitat. Native vegetation restoration, fencing and supplementary nests in the colonies have all been successful.  But is it enough?

Increasing threats arising from climate change – in particular, coastal erosion – are posing new problems for the conservation and persistence of these colonies. These will be discussed from a perspective of near-future management requirements.


Perviz has been focused on penguins in Northwest Tasmania for over 20 years. She started the Friends of Burnie Penguins in 2004, has collaborated with CCNRM, local councils, Parks and Wildlife, TasRail and other coastal community groups on many penguin management issues. Her interest in penguins evolved into a PhD study of Little Penguins looking at Spatial scale and distribution. Perviz is passionate about Little Penguins and is concerned at the potential impact of climate change on the coastal urban colonies.